Password strength

Password strength is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. In its usual form, it estimates how many trials an attacker who does not have direct access to the password would need, on average, to guess it correctly. The strength of a password is a function of length, complexity, and unpredictability.[1]

Using strong passwords lowers overall risk of a security breach, but strong passwords do not replace the need for other effective security controls. The effectiveness of a password of a given strength is strongly determined by the design and implementation of the authentication system software, particularly how frequently password guesses can be tested by an attacker and how securely information on user passwords is stored and transmitted. Risks are also posed by several means of breaching computer security which are unrelated to password strength. Such means include wiretapping, phishing, keystroke logging, social engineering, dumpster diving, side-channel attacks, and software vulnerabilities.


Determining password strength

There are 2 factors to consider in determining password strength: the ease with which an attacker can check the validity of a guessed password, and the average number of guesses the attacker must make to find the correct password. The first factor is determined by how the password is stored and what it is used for, while the second factor is determined by how long the password is, what set of symbols it is drawn from and how it is created.

Password guess validation

The most obvious way to test a guessed password is to attempt to use it to access the resource the password was meant to protect. However, this can be slow and many systems will delay or block access to an account after several wrong passwords are entered. On the other hand, systems that use passwords for authentication must store them in some form to check against entered values. Usually only a cryptographic hash of a password is stored instead of the password itself. If the hash is strong enough, it is very hard to reverse it, so an attacker that gets hold of the hash value cannot directly recover the password. However, if the cryptographic hash data files have been stolen, knowledge of the hash value lets the attacker quickly test guesses. (See Password cracking.)

In 2010, the Georgia Tech Research Institute developed a method of using GPGPU to crack passwords much faster.[2] As of 2011, commercial products are available that claim the ability to test up to 2,800,000,000 passwords per second on a standard desktop computer using a high-end graphics processor.[3] Such a device can crack a 10 letter single-case password in one day. Note that the work can be distributed over many computers for an additional speedup proportional to the number of available computers with comparable GPUs. Special key stretching hashes are available that take a relatively long time to compute, reducing the rate at which guessing can take place. Although it is considered best practice to use key stretching, many common systems do not.

Another situation where quick guessing is possible is when the password is used to form a cryptographic key. In such cases, an attacker can quickly check to see if a guessed password successfully decodes encrypted data. For example, one commercial product claims to test 103,000 WPA PSK passwords per second.[4]

If a cryptographic salt is not used in the password system, the attacker can pre-compute hash values for common passwords variants and for all passwords shorter than a certain length, allowing very rapid recovery. Long lists of pre-computed password hashes can be efficiently stored using rainbow tables. Such tables are available on the Internet for several common password authentication systems.

Password creation

Passwords are created either automatically (using randomizing equipment) or by a human. The strength of randomly chosen passwords against a brute force attack can be calculated with precision.

Commonly, passwords are initially created by asking a human to choose a password, sometimes guided by suggestions or restricted by a set of rules. This typically happens at the time of account creation for computer systems or Internet Web sites. In this case, only estimates of strength are possible, since humans tend to follow patterns in such tasks, and those patterns will always assist an attacker.[5] In addition, lists of commonly chosen passwords are widely available for use by password guessing programs. Any of the numerous online dictionaries for various languages is such a list. All items in such lists are considered weak, as are passwords that are simple modifications of them. Either can be quickly tried. For some decades, investigations of passwords on multi-user computer systems have shown that 40% or more are readily guessed using only computer programs, and more can be found when information about a particular user is taken into account during the attack.

Automatic password generation, if properly done, can avoid any connection between a password and its user. For example, one's pet's name is quite unlikely to be generated by such a system. For a password chosen from a sufficiently large 'password space', brute force search time can be made so long as to be infeasible. However, truly random passwords can be tricky to generate and they tend to be difficult for the user to remember.

Entropy as a measure of password strength

It is usual in the computer industry to estimate password strength in terms of information entropy, measured in bits, a concept from information theory. Instead of the number of guesses needed to find the password with certainty, the base-2 logarithm of that number is given, which is the number of "entropy bits" in a password. A password with, say, 42 bits of strength calculated in this way would be as strong as a string of 42 bits chosen randomly, say by a fair coin toss. Put another way, a password with 42 bits of strength would require 242 attempts to exhaust all possibilities during a brute force search. Thus, adding one bit of entropy to a password doubles the number of guesses required, which makes an attacker's task twice as difficult. On average, an attacker will have to try half the possible passwords before finding the correct one.[5] (see Law of large numbers)

Random passwords

Random passwords consist of a string of symbols of specified length taken from some set of symbols using a random selection process in which each symbol is equally likely to be selected. The symbols can be individual characters from a character set (e.g., the ASCII character set), syllables designed to form pronounceable passwords, or even words from a word list (thus forming a passphrase).

The strength of random passwords depends on the actual entropy of the underlying number generator; these are often not truly random, but pseudo random. Many publicly available password generators use random number generators found in programming libraries that offer limited entropy. However most modern operating systems offer cryptographically strong random number generators that are suitable for password generation. It is also possible to use ordinary dice to generate random passwords. See Random password generator#Stronger methods. Random password programs often have the ability to ensure that the resulting password complies with a local password policy; for instance, by always producing a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.

For passwords generated by a process that randomly selects a string of symbols of length, L, from a set of N possible symbols, the number of possible passwords can be found by raising the number of symbols to the power L, i.e. NL. The strength of a random password as measured by the information entropy is just the base-2 logarithm or log2 of the number of possible passwords, assuming each symbol in the password is produced independently. Thus a random password's information entropy, H, is given by the formula

H = log_2 N^L = L\log_2 N = L {\log N \over \log 2}

where N is the number of possible symbols and L is the number of symbols in the password. H is measured in bits.[5][6]

Entropy per symbol for different symbol sets
Symbol set Symbol count N Entropy per symbol H
Arabic numerals (0–9) (e.g. PIN) 10 3.3219 bits
hexadecimal numerals (0–9, A-F) (e.g. WEP keys) 16 4.0000 bits
Case insensitive Latin alphabet (a-z or A-Z) 26 4.7004 bits
Case insensitive alphanumeric (a-z or A-Z, 0–9) 36 5.1699 bits
Case sensitive Latin alphabet (a-z, A-Z) 52 5.7004 bits
Case sensitive alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0–9) 62 5.9542 bits
All ASCII printable characters 95 6.5699 bits
All extended ASCII printable characters 218 7.7682 bits
Diceware word list 7776 12.9248 bits

Password strength depends on symbol set and length

Increasing the number of possible symbols from which random passwords are chosen will increase the strength of generated passwords of any given length. For example, the printable characters in the ASCII character set (roughly those on a standard U.S. English keyboard) include 26 letters (in two case variants), 10 digits, and 32 non-alphanumeric symbols (i.e., punctuation, grouping, etc.), for a total of 94 symbols (95 if space is included). However the same strength can always be achieved with a smaller symbol set by choosing a longer password. In the extreme, binary passwords can be very secure, even though only two possible symbols are used. See table below. Thus a 14 character password consisting of only random lowercase letters has the same strength (4.7×14 = 65.8 bits) as a ten character password chosen at random from all printable ASCII characters (65.55 bits).

Minimum lengths L of randomly generated passwords to achieve desired password entropy H for symbol sets containing N symbols.
Desired password entropy H Arabic numerals Case insensitive Latin alphabet Case insensitive alphanumeric Case sensitive Latin alphabet Case sensitive alphanumeric All ASCII printable characters
32 bits 10 7 7 6 6 5
40 bits 13 9 8 8 7 7
64 bits 20 14 13 12 11 10
80 bits 25 18 16 15 14 13
96 bits 29 21 19 17 17 15
128 bits 39 28 25 23 22 20
160 bits 49 35 31 29 27 25
192 bits 58 41 38 34 33 30
224 bits 68 48 44 40 38 35
256 bits 78 55 50 45 43 40
384 bits 116 82 75 68 65 59
512 bits 155 109 100 90 86 79
1024 bits 309 218 199 180 172 157

Note that the full strength associated with using the entire ASCII character set (numerals, mixed case letters and special characters) is only achieved if each character in the password is chosen randomly from that set. Capitalizing a letter and adding a couple of numbers and a special character to a password will not achieve the same strength. If the numbers and special character are added in predictable ways, say at the beginning and end of the password,[7] they could even lower password strength compared to an all letter random password of the same length.

Because national keyboard implementations vary, not all 94 ASCII printable characters can be used everywhere. This can present a problem to an international traveler who wished to log into remote system using a keyboard on a local computer. See keyboard layout.

Authentication programs (e.g., those which determines access to a computer system) vary in which characters they allow in passwords. Some do not recognize case differences (e.g., the upper-case "E" is considered equivalent to the lower-case "e"), others prohibit some of the other symbols. In the past few decades, systems have permitted more characters in passwords, but limitations still exist. Many hand held devices, such as PDAs and smart phones, require complex shift sequences to enter special characters. Systems also vary in the maximum length of passwords allowed, with some older systems limited to eight characters.

Human-generated passwords

People are notoriously remiss at achieving sufficient entropy to produce satisfactory passwords. Some stage magicians exploit this inability for amusement, in a minor way, by divining supposed random choices (of numbers, say) made by audience members.

Thus, in one analysis of over 3 million eight-character passwords, the letter "e" was used over 1.5 million times, while the letter "f" was only used 250,000 times. A uniform distribution would have had each character being used about 900,000 times. The most common number used is "1", whereas the most common letters are a, e, o, and r.[8]

NIST suggests the following scheme to estimate the entropy of human-generated passwords:[5]

This would imply that an eight-character human-selected password without upper case letters and non-alphabetic characters has about 18 bits of entropy. However the scheme is based on the basic assumption that users select passwords with the same entropy as ordinary English text.

Users rarely make full use of larger characters sets in forming passwords. For example, hacking results obtained from a MySpace phishing scheme in 2006 revealed 34,000 passwords, of which only 8.3% used mixed case, numbers, and symbols.[9]

Bit strength threshold

As a practical matter, passwords must be both reasonable and functional for the end user as well as strong enough for the intended purpose. Passwords that are too difficult to remember may be forgotten and so are more likely to be written on paper, which some consider a security risk.[10] In contrast, others argue that forcing users to remember passwords without assistance can only accommodate weak passwords, and thus poses a greater security risk. According to Bruce Schneier, most people are good at securing their wallets or purses, which is a "great place" to store a written password.[11]

Some basic benchmarks have been established for brute force searches in the context of attempting to find keys used in encryption. The problem is not the same since these approaches involve astronomical numbers of trials, but the results are suggestive for password choice. In 1999, an Electronic Frontier Foundation project broke 56-bit DES encryption in less than a day using specially designed hardware.[12] In 2002, cracked a 64-bit key in 4 years, 9 months, and 23 days.[13] As of October 12, 2011, estimates that cracking a 72-bit key using current hardware will take about 45,579 days or 124.8 years.[14] Due to currently understood limitations from fundamental physics, there is no expectation that any digital computer (or combination) will be capable of breaking 256-bit encryption via a brute-force attack.[15] Whether or not quantum computers will be able to do so in practice is still unknown, though theoretical analysis suggests such possibilities.[16]

As a result, there can be no exact answer to the somewhat different problem of the password strength required to resist brute force attack in practice. NIST recommends 80-bits for the most secure passwords, which can nearly be achieved with a 95-character choice (e.g., the original ASCII character set) with a 12-character random password (12 x 6.5 bits = 78).[5] A 2010 Georgia Tech Research Institute study also recommended a 12-character random password, but as a minimum length requirement.[2][17]

Guidelines for strong passwords

Common guidelines

Guidelines for choosing good passwords are designed to make passwords less easily discovered by intelligent guessing. Common guidelines include:[18][19][20][21]

Some guidelines advise against writing passwords down, while others, noting the large numbers of password protected systems users must access, encourage writing down passwords as long as the written password lists are kept in a safe place, such as a wallet or safe, not attached to a monitor or in an unlocked desk drawer.[22]

The possible character set for a password can be constrained by different web sites or by the range of keyboards on which the password must be entered.[23]

Examples of weak passwords

As with any security measure, passwords vary in effectiveness (i.e., strength); some are weaker than others. For example, the difference in weakness between a dictionary word and a word with obfuscation (i.e., letters in the password are substituted by, say, numbers— a common approach) may cost a password cracking device a few more seconds– this adds little strength. The examples below illustrate various ways weak passwords might be constructed, all of which are based on simple patterns which result in extremely low entropy, allowing them to be tested automatically at high speeds:[8]

There are many other ways a password can be weak,[25] corresponding to the strengths of various attack schemes; the core principle is that a password should have high entropy (usually taken to be equivalent to randomness) and not be readily derivable by any "clever" pattern, nor should passwords be mixed with information identifying the user. On-line services often provide a restore password function that a hacker can figure out and by doing so bypass a password. Choosing hard to guess restore password questions can further secure the password.[26]

Password policy

A password policy is a guide to choosing satisfactory passwords. Some are controversial. They are usually intended to:

For example, password expiration is often covered by password policies. Password expiration serves two purposes:[27]

Some argue that password expirations have become obsolete,[28] since:

Creating and handling passwords

The hardest passwords to crack, for a given length and character set, are random character strings; if long enough they resist brute force attacks (because there are many characters) and guessing attacks (due to high entropy). However, such passwords are typically the hardest to remember. The imposition of a requirement for such passwords in a password policy may encourage users to write them down, store them in PDAs or cellphones, or share them with others as a safeguard against memory failure. Some people consider each of these user resorts to increase security risks. Others suggest the absurdity of expecting users to remember distinct complex passwords for each of the dozens of accounts they access. For example, security expert Bruce Schneier recommends writing down your password:[29]

Simply, people can no longer remember passwords good enough to reliably defend against dictionary attacks, and are much more secure if they choose a password too complicated to remember and then write it down. We're all good at securing small pieces of paper. I recommend that people write their passwords down on a small piece of paper, and keep it with their other valuable small pieces of paper: in their wallet.
—Bruce Schneier 2005

The following measures may increase acceptance of strong password requirements, if carefully used:

Memory techniques

Password policies sometimes suggest memory techniques to assist remembering passwords:

Protecting passwords

Computer users are generally advised to "never write down a password anywhere, no matter what" and "never use the same password for more than one account." However, an ordinary computer user may have dozens of password-protected accounts. Users with multiple accounts needing passwords often give up and use the same password for every account. When varied password complexity requirements prevent use of the same (memorable) scheme for producing high-strength passwords, overly simplified passwords will often be created to satisfy irritating and conflicting password requirements. A Microsoft expert was quoted as saying at a 2005 security conference: "I claim that password policy should say you should write down your password. I have 68 different passwords. If I am not allowed to write any of them down, guess what I am going to do? I am going to use the same password on every one of them."[32]

If passwords are written down, they should never be kept in obvious places such as address books, Rolodex files, under drawers or keyboards, or behind pictures. Perhaps the worst, but all too common, location is a Post-It note on the computer monitor. Better locations are a safe deposit box or a locked file approved for information of sensitivity comparable to that protected by the password. Most locks on office file cabinets are far from adequate. Software is available for popular hand-held computers that can store passwords for numerous accounts in encrypted form. Another approach is to encrypt by hand on paper and remember the encryption method and key.[33] And another approach is to use a single password or slightly-varying passwords for low-security accounts and select distinctly separate strong passwords for a smaller number of high-value applications such as for online banking.

Password managers

A reasonable compromise for using large numbers of passwords is to record them in a password manager, which include stand-alone applications, web browser extensions, or a manager built into the operating system. A password manager allows the user to use hundreds of different passwords, and only have to remember a single password, the one which opens the encrypted password database. Needless to say, this single password should be strong and well-protected (not recorded anywhere). Most password managers can automatically create strong passwords using a cryptographically secure random password generator, as well as calculating the entropy of the generated password. A good password manager will provide resistance against attacks such as key logging, clipboard logging and various other memory spying techniques.

Password strength advisers

Several web sites, and some standalone programs meant to be run without a network connection on a local machine, offer automated tests of password strength adequacy. They are problematic. Any network based checking necessarily involves submitting one's password to a purpose declared system somewhere. Doing so eases an attacker's problem very considerably; the relevant network traffic is identifiable as passwords saving much sifting effort, authentication of network connection problems permit authentication problems (e.g., site spoofing) which are lessened for equivalent programs running on local computers.

Even when run on local machines, without network involvement, there are potential problems. Implementational problems (e.g., errors in programming or algorithm choice) are always possible, of course, and many of these exhibit no discernible clues for a user or administrator. And, such programs are limited to estimates of brute force attack vulnerability regardless of where they are run. Passwords which are vulnerable to guessing attacks cannot be checked automatically, as not everyone's pet is named Rover or Fluffy, nor do all children or relatives have common names, readily found in lists.

As a result, use of such checking facilities cannot be recommended. The tests they can apply are easy for users to perform, if they understand some basic principles. And the increased attack opportunities should be avoided as well, on the general principle of not making an attacker's task easier.

See also


  1. ^ "Cyber Security Tip ST04-002". Choosing and Protecting Passwords. US CERT. Retrieved June 20, 2009. 
  2. ^ a b "Teraflop Troubles: The Power of Graphics Processing Units May Threaten the World's Password Security System". Georgia Tech Research Institute. Retrieved 2010-11-07. 
  3. ^, ElcomSoft Password Recovery Speed table, NTLM passwords, Nvidia Tesla S1070 GPU, accessed 2011-02-01
  4. ^ Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor, HD5970 GPU accessed 2011-02-11
  5. ^ a b c d e "Electronic Authentication Guideline" (PDF). NIST. Retrieved March 27, 2008. 
  6. ^ Schneier, B: Applied Cryptography, 2e, page 233 ff. John Wiley and Sons.
  7. ^
  8. ^ a b Burnett, Mark (2006). Kleiman, Dave. ed. Perfect Passwords. Rockland, Massachusetts: Syngress Publishing. p. 181. ISBN 1-59749-041-5. 
  9. ^ Bruce Schneier. "MySpace Passwords aren't so Dumb". Wired Magazine. Retrieved April 11, 2008. 
  10. ^ A. Allan. "Passwords are Near the Breaking Point" (PDF). Gartner. Retrieved April 10, 2008. 
  11. ^ Bruce Schneier. "Schneier on Security". Write Down Your Password. Retrieved April 10, 2008. 
  12. ^ "EFF DES Cracker machine brings honesty to crypto debate". EFF. Retrieved March 27, 2008. 
  13. ^ "64-bit key project status". Retrieved March 27, 2008. 
  14. ^ "72-bit key project status". Retrieved October 12, 2011. 
  15. ^ Bruce Schneier. "Snakeoil: Warning Sign #5: Ridiculous key lengths". Retrieved March 27, 2008. 
  16. ^
  17. ^ "Want to deter hackers? Make your password longer". MSNBC. 2010-08-19. Retrieved 2010-11-07. 
  18. ^ Microsoft Corporation, Strong passwords: How to create and use them
  19. ^ Bruce Schneier, Choosing Secure Passwords
  20. ^ Google, Inc., How safe is your password?
  21. ^ Bidwell, Teri re (2002). Syngress Publishing. ISBN 1931836515. 
  22. ^
  23. ^ E.g., for a keyboard with only 17 nonalphanumeric characters, see one for a BlackBerry phone in an enlarged image in support of Sandy Berger, BlackBerry Tour 9630 (Verizon) Cell Phone Review, in Hardware Secrets (August 31, 2009), both as accessed January 19, 2010. That some websites don’t allow nonalphanumerics is indicated by Kanhef, Idiots, For Different Reasons (June 30, 2009) (topic post), as accessed January 20, 2010.
  24. ^
  25. ^ Bidwell, p. 87
  26. ^
  27. ^ "In Defense of Password Expiration". League of Professional Systems Administrators. Retrieved April 14, 2008. 
  28. ^ Eugene Spafford. "Security Myths and Passwords". The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security. Retrieved April 14, 2008. 
  29. ^
  30. ^ Mnemonic Devices (Indianapolis, Ind.: Bepko Learning Ctr., University College), as accessed January 19, 2010
  31. ^ Remembering Passwords (, as accessed January 19, 2010
  32. ^ Microsoft security guru: Jot down your passwords, Retrieved on 2007-05-07
  33. ^ Simple methods (e.g., ROT13 and some other old ciphers) may suffice; for more sophisticated hand-methods see Bruce Schneier, The Solitaire Encryption Algorithm (May 26, 1999) (ver. 1.2), as accessed January 19, 2010, and Sam Siewert, Big Iron Lessons, Part 5: Introduction to Cryptography, From Egypt Through Enigma (IBM, July 26, 2005), as accessed January 19, 2010.

External links